How to take a screenshot

For Apple iOS

The fastest way to take a screenshot is to command, shift+ 4 to select the area on the screen for capture or command+ shift+3 to take a screenshot of the entire screen. All images will save directly to your desktop and you can attach them to any message or document needed.

For Windows 10 or 11 

The easiest way to take a screenshot of your entire screen on Windows 10 or Windows 11 is by pressing the Print Screen (PrtScn) button on your keyboard.

The screenshot will be copied to your clipboard. To save the file, paste the screenshot into any program that allows you to insert images, like Microsoft Word or Paint.

Quick tip: You can bring up the clipboard to view the screenshots you’ve taken by pressing the Windows key + V.

To take a screenshot on Windows 10 or Windows 11 and automatically save the file to the Screenshots folder, press the Windows key + PrtScn. Your screen will go dim and a screenshot of your entire screen will be saved to the folder.
To activate Snip & Sketch, use the keyboard shortcut Windows Key + Shift + S. Your screen will go dim and a mini menu will appear at the top of your screen, giving you the option to take a rectangular, free-form, window, or full-screen capture.